Federico Cassano

at Northeastern University with interests in artificial intelligence, programming languages, and security.

About Me

Federico Cassano

Ciao! I'm Federico, an undergraduate researcher from Milan, Italy, studying at Northeastern University.

Under Prof. Arjun Guha at NUPRL, I've won several awards in cybersecurity and AI, and published my research in prestigious venues. I've founded GammaTau AI, a student-led research group of 20+ researchers, to democratize access to programming using AI. I also actively contribute to the BigCode project, the group behind the StarCoder models.

I'm also thankful to be the captain of the extremely talented NUCCDC cybersecurity team, the 3x back-to-back NECCDC champions.

I've secured industry research positions at Roblox, Trail of Bits, Scale AI, Cursor, and more. Some of these positions were typically reserved for graduate students.

MultiPL-T'd 1b model running on a single CPU core!

Academic Portfolio

